WELL! Jody went with me and we had to go into Pflugerville for me to 'lay eyes' on a property (can you believe HOA's are giving owners a hard time because the grass is dieing?), and then I decided to be brave and go the 'pot-luck' route at the hair cutting place. I was assigned to Bethany, who began the event with a little bit of an attitude problem (perhaps my first question should not have been WHAT HAPPENED TO IRENE, but as we got into the hair cut, things worked out, and I am very pleased with the end result. SO, I have now added Bethany's name to my phone, and I hope this lasts at least a couple years. Probably not, and I will need to figure out a less stressful tack for the next time this happens.
The morning glories are about dead, and the day Lillie's are done. It is just too hot and no rain. We are going through thousands of gallons of water a week, and that cannot last forever. The cattle are staying out of the sun as much as they possibly can, and who can blame them? We have no idea what the temperature went to today, and really, who cares? The chickens are coping pretty well, and the new chicks are getting big. Next weekend will be the big test; they will be 8 weeks old and we will mix them with the big girls.
I think the coming week will be relatively slow, and I will be able to get a lot of office work done. Hopefully there will be a closing this week as well, those are always welcome.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW TANKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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