RIP you bastard! To Hell with you. Another August has (almost) come and gone, and as my friend Jamie has so eloquently posted on his face book page, we will not really miss you. We will not have fond recollections of you. You were mean and unfriendly. HATEFUL. And dry and hot and really too long to suit me. Why should August have 31 days and February only have 28. I move that we take (at least) one day away from August and give it to February. Do I hear a second? Any discussion? All those in favor say aye. Those opposed nay. The ayes have it. NOW, where do I file this new law? Probably wherever the Greenwich Mean Time people live. I'll get back to you...

Lunch today involved a little bit of champagne. Okay, probably more champagne than I have ever had at a lunch on any particular Wednesday in recent memory. A wonderful lunch, and I was with exceptionally good company.
Pretty much office work tomorrow, plus it is my Meals-On-Wheels delivery day, so that is always nice.
Tired, sleepy, going to bed.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHAMPAGNE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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