August 23rd, 2011 at 1:00 am by Jim Spencer (KXAN) Prior to 2009, we often wondered whether Austin’s heat wave records from the 1920s were really accurate. After all, we’d never even been close to experiencing 66 days of triple digit heat, as recorded in 1923, much less the 69 day record from 1925. In fact, until we recorded 50 days in 2008, the closest we had come was 42 days back in 2000.
The summers of 2009 and 2011 have put the matter to rest. Monday’s record-tying high of 105 degrees was the 68th time this summer the high reached 100 degrees or hotter, equaling 2009′s number.
The all-time record of 69 days was tied early Tuesday afternoon as the temperatures topped 100 degrees again, and Wednesday will become the 70th day–a new all-time record for Austin. Unfortunately, the record will only last one day, because we are forecasting triple digit highs into early next week, meaning a new record will be established every day.
The screen shot about is the actual temperatures in the area this evening at 6 o'clock!
And so it goes. Not only that, but the east coast is getting ready for a Hurricane. I truly and honestly and sincerely hope there is no tremendous damage and/or injury as a result of that storm, but we really would like a nice little hurricane to come our way. We are not wanting to be selfish or anything, but we really need the water, we are just drying up.
Chickens are well, Jody retrieved four eggs from them today. The interaction between the old girls and the new girls is interesting. The new chicks go out into the pen much earlier than the old girls, and they get first crack at the cabbage and bread that we put out in the evening. Once the old girls come down from their roost, the young girls go back into their area of the barn and hang out til the coast is clear. Very interesting.
Getting ready for ribs again tonight, that (I think) will pretty much do it for this go-round. Tomorrow is another day, and I have actually been getting lots of work done this week. I have a closing on Friday and another one on Monday, so things could be going a lot worse!
I am the luckiest man in the world!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HEAT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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