SO, we got up this morning and decided to go to the 11:05 showing of the feature (according to the times listed on the web-site) and so we got there about 20 minutes early and were delighted that the parking lot was hardly full at all. We went into the lobby and were confronted by several people ahead of us complaining to the management (totally incapable by the way) because they said the first showing was not until 2 something and the web-sites were correct and it was not their fault that so many people were showing up for a feature several hours ahead of schedule. Whatever...SO, seeing as how there were several other folks giving the 'I only get paid $4.95 per hour assistant manager' pure hell, we decided to leave and try back (maybe) another weekend. Who knows, maybe we will just wait for it to be on pay per view. Really, going to a multi-plex (and being confronted with ALL THAT REALITY) is not something we have an affinity for. We (okay I) prefer our reality in a controlled environment (the den) on a 50" flat screen. PLUS, when you get in big crowds like that, there are all kinds of germs and things, so we are probably better off passing on the whole ordeal. We shall see...
Another successful (so far) chicken day. I am really surprised that the little chicks are not more curious than they have shown. They come out into the caged area and sometimes venture out into the open area for a little while, but generally they are staying in their little caged area and seem perfectly content. I expect this week will see them getting more and more confident and exploring the world of JB Acres.
Tomorrow will be a pretty fun day, I will be teaching classes on on Monday and Tuesday, so I always enjoy that. Wednesday will be busy, Thursday will be a little less busy, and I have no idea at all what is going on Friday. So far it looks open. I expect that will change, however.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NO MOVIE FOR YOU, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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