We are officially OUT of the resale business. The cooperative venture where we had maintained a booth for the last couple years lost their lease, and moved to another location. We decided NOT to make the move with them and we spent part of the day yesterday and most of the day today cleaning out our space. We are totally amazed that we are completely finished, however we are both EXHAUSTED.
About 1 o'clock this afternoon, we went to Chick-Fil-A (don't tell the chickens) and had lunch of chicken salad sandwiches, waffle fries and milk shakes. DO NOT inform the Dairy Queen officials, we do not want to jeopardize our standing with them. BUT, I must tell you, ever since our friend Michael from Florida turned me on to the Oreo Cookie Milk Shake, I have enjoyed them VERY MUCH.
After lunch we went and got the last bit of stuff out of the shop (we were using Jody's truck AND my truck) and then we stopped at HEB. We made it home and both of us passed out for naps.
After we watched the news, we headed to the Schwertner Community Center for a bar-b-cue dinner to benefit the Bartlett Volunteer Fire Department. VERY GOOD, and we ran into our neighbors Randy and Irene there. We were expecting to see Pauline and Hubert, but they may have been there earlier. ANYWAY, as I said, it was a very good dinner, and we brought dessert home with us, which I will consume shortly after I hit the send button on this entry.
Tomorrow I need to empty both the trucks, feed the cattle, take a fresh bale of hay out to them, finish watering, water the trees and clean the pool. Then in the afternoon...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BENEFIT DINNERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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