Nice half-day in the office today, and expecting a nice week next week as well. Had a closing this morning, and another one is scheduled for Monday. SCHEDULED, because these days you never really know for sure if the deals is going to happen or not. There is much more uncertainty these days than previously in my career.
We are all worried about all of our friends on the east coast. We are gonna make a few phone calls this evening and touch some friends through e-mail and FaceBook. We hope everyone is safe, but it looks like it might be a bad storm. If you think about it, send us some water if you can. UPS is good.
We thought we had lost a chick last night, there were only five of the new chicks around when we put them to bed, and Jody and I both looked everywhere we could think of, and I looked all over this morning as well. BUT, when I got home this afternoon, he said they were all there, so that one is a mystery to me!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MISSING CHICKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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