Not really. I made great strides in my pile of paperwork that WAS sitting on my desk, so that is a good accomplishment. Made it to the office in an incredibly LONG commute, there was a car overturned at one of the downtown exits. I saw that on the news before I even left the house, and they did not have it cleared for hours. I also made it to the bank, post office and various spots in between. This is a photo of the Thundercloud Subs sign (from inside the building) on Riverside Drive. Chris and I went there for lunch this afternoon, and I chowed down on an egg salad sandwich on whole wheat. Yummy good!
The chickens are all doing pretty well, and IT was another day today. That makes 55 days of IT so far this year, and 23 consecutive days of IT this year. That is a new record. Just 15 more days of IT and that will be a new record as well. Did you know that chickens do not perspire? So they just kind of walk around panting. The cattle are pretty smart (for cattle) and they stay in the barn most of the day, and only come out in the mornings and the evenings. I would think it would be more comfortable under the shade of the trees, but what do I know? I really do not think I am as smart as a cow, so why even try?
Tomorrow will be another watering day early in the morning. It will be kind of disappointing to figure out what will no longer get any water. You just have to give up on some of the plantings around the house. No sense in wasting water if the plants are not going to make it.
I was able to stave off another trauma after dinner this evening. I had purchased a couple bottles of a wine that was even more fiscally conservative (cheap) and for a brief period I thought there was an actual cork underneath that faux foil wrapper. AU CONTRAIRE Mon was just a twist top cap under a bit of mass produced disguise, and I was sipping in no time. Perfect!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRITO PIE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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