But we get clouds. Lovely beautiful clouds. As you can see, there is not that much between us and the sky (which includes the clouds). We get to see the clouds every day, and there is nothing in the way of them, nothing blocking them. Sometimes people take the clouds and the sky for granted, but I get to see them pretty frequently, and I get to appreciate them. I hope you get a second soon to appreciate something that you might ordinarily take for granted.
A full day of teaching today, and another full day tomorrow. Subjects that I am passionate about always make teaching the classes easier, and today's class was pretty good. I think the attendees learned some things, and I know for sure that I learned A LOT of stuff. That is always great, I appreciate new ideas and new ways of thinking about things, and I am always open (at least I try to be) to learning something.
No chick update yet, I have not been out there to check on them since I have been home, but Jody said he collected five eggs from the big girls today. I wonder if they are threatened by the appearance of the new little girls. They should not be a threat, but you never know.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS BUT NO RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas (World Peace), FUN!
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