Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us; all we ask is that you let us make it your way.. Believe it or not, Jody and I went to Burger King for dinner tonight. Up at the truck stop in Salado. I was having flash-backs of being stoned in the mid-70's at 3am in the glare of the neon lights. Cheese Whopper, no pickles, no tomato, extra ketchup, cut in half please. Do you remember a thing called 'metabolism'? I used to eat TWO of those at a time in Memphis. Just thinking about eating one now causes me heart pains and an elevated pulse and a constriction in my bowels. But it was pretty good. Not sure that I would recommend 'eating in' again any time soon (too much reality for us), but going through the drive through might be in our future.
This afternoon on our weekly visit to Dairy Queen, Jody took the advice of our neighbor Irene and tried the Blizzard of the Month, something with Candy Cane in the flavor description, and he reported that it was very good. I am not nearly as adventurous as Jody, so I stuck with my traditional Oreo Cookie Blizzard.
I got a lot of work done at the house today with the help of Miguel. All the pipes are wrapped (it is supposed to freeze on Tuesday and Wednesday morning), the cattle got fed, half of the garage is cleaned and the front barn is pretty much straightened out. The plants that could be hurt by the freeze are already in the garage, an the bamboo was watered. Since all that is done, I expect it will neither freeze or rain in the foreseeable future. But, like a good little boy scout, be prepared.

You can tell that the country is getting citified when you see obvious competitions with the Christmas decorations. Between here and Salado we saw a generous increase in the number of lighted displays, some of them were even flashing. Civilization is encroaching upon us, just in time for the end of the Mayan Calendar, too.
The expected cold-front hit about 5:30 this evening, and when I last looked, the temperature was down to 55 degrees. Supposed to be a high of only about 44 degrees tomorrow.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WHOPPERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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