Let me tell you, the cattle are smarter in the dark than they are in the daylight. Or possibly I am just stupider in the dark than I am in the daylight. Whichever is the case, I do not recommend taking bales of hay to cattle in the dark. As is usually the case, I had many of the cattle (particularly Mr. Speckles) segregated so I could pretty much deal with only a couple cows while I was getting the baling string off the bale and into the hay ring. WELL, not too long into the procedure, here came ALL the cattle including Mr. Speckles, and things pretty much went downhill from there. There is pretty much nothing that will get in the way of the bull and whatever it is he wants.
BUT, I am unscathed and unhurt and no cattle were harmed in completing this journal entry.
Tomorrow I am booked with appointments all day long again, it lightens up a little bit on Tuesday, and another long day on Wednesday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NO BULL, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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