DO NOT BE ALARMED. This is not a photo of a wild boar. If you would like to see a photo of a wild boar, please conduct an Internet search for 'wild boar' and then click on 'images' and you will see more photos of wild boars than you could look at in a month of Sundays. This is actually a photo of the base of a lamp I bought years-and-years ago when Jody and I got the first farm (the Original JB Acres) in Red Rock, Texas. It is a cute little pig lamp, if I do say so myself. Self, that is a cute little pig lamp. BUT, it was the best I could do because the wild boars (that's what I think they were, anyway) that I saw about 3 miles from our house were moving pretty darned fast and it was dark. I am not sure if wild boars (or the otherwise unidentified critters) are smarter in the dark than they are in the daylight (see last nights entry), but they were certainly moving fast.
Speaking of cows in the night, it seems to be common knowledge that cows are smarter in the dark than they are in the daylight. Or the fact that they can see better than we can in the dark may just give us the perception that they are smarter in the dark than they are in the daylight.
Mikey, I will call you on Tuesday. All is good...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, REALLY BIG PIGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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