It started off somewhat questionable this morning; it was sprinkling rain when I went outside to fetch the newspaper, and then the winds out of the north started, and we got a TEENSY-WEENSY bit of rain in the official gauge, 0.02" to be precise. We have had winds up to 36 MPH, the temperatures are now dropping but the winds do not seem to be. Our last temperature reading was 34 degrees, and the lowest wind chill I have seen so far was 6 degrees. The girls have been put to bed and their infra-red heat lamp is on. The water is turned off at the troughs back in the pastures, and I think we should be okay. One more night of this and we should start a little bit of a warming trend. When I went back the turn the water off in the troughs, it actually looked like there were little white caps in the troughs. That is some strong wind!
We have a nice fire in the stove, but the winds are coming through otherwise unknown cracks in the weather stripping here and there. I am glad I have a bed warmer! I will crank that sucker up tonight and be all toasty and warm.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TEENSY-WEENSIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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