As sunsets go, this one (and probably the photo I posted yesterday) would not make it into the Hall of Fame. But as CLOUDS go, they both are worthy of Honorable Mentions! Clouds are an interesting phenomenon. I think many clouds are absolutely stunning. Breathtakingly beautiful. Exquisite. BUT, if you think of clouds in terms of ELEPHANTS, you get a whole new appreciation of clouds. Clouds are made up (don't quote me here) of water droplets, and water droplets are heavy.
Scientist Peggy LeMone says that a little cumulus cloud weighs about the same as 100 elephants! A thunderstorm cloud is like 200,000 elephants!
So there, too! A whole new reason to look at clouds a little bit differently tomorrow!
So far, all is good on the chicken rebellion front. The newest chicks are really curious and follow me and Jody around like we are the pied pipers of Chickenville. I have not put them to bed yet, so we will see what happens when I do.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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