Okay, well I actually did get a couple things accomplished. The intermediate girls got 'cooped' last night, and they were all accounted for this morning. It is pretty easy to have your way with chickens when it is relatively dark outside. These girls were much easier to deal with than the Wyandotte's were a couple weeks ago. We shall see how it goes tonight.
Whatever. I did take down the temporary run that used to contain the smallest (youngest) of the new girls. Now it is their 'training coop' inside the main chicken run only, the 'run within the run' has been disassembled and I hope there will be no need for it next year. There will need to be some intense attrition of chickens this year to cause me to need more next year. We are holding right now at 31 chickens, I expect 3 or so will go to the big coop in the sky this year, but that will still leave us plenty, and plenty of eggs for friends.
I also got some grass cut, although not very much. There were a couple naps throughout the day, and Jody and I did go to Salado (on an ice cream quest). I have discovered Blue Bell Homemade in the Shade, pretty much like a Fudge Ripple Ice Cream, delicious. So, that means I am set for a scoop or two each night for the next week to ten days. Small extravagances, I can handle that.
Tonight we went to the Crossroads Cafe for burgers. They were DEE-LICIOUS! For a while, we thought they had gone to a no-smoking restaurant, but the waitress said they have ash trays that suck up the smoke. Who knew such a thing would work, I sure did not, BUT it did not smell like cigarette smoke while we had our dinner, so that was a good thing.
Speaking of which, I am earnestly going to try and rid myself of some cattle during the month of June. Want to help? Just let me know.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOLIDAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
Look at that poor calf! He/She looks like a dog, someone feed more milk to him/her!