I stayed in bed extra long this morning and that was lovely. I did get a pile of eggs made for me and Jody, and got a few minor things done around the house in between naps. I thought about bringing the hay bales from the front field in for storage, but that is all I did about that, just thought about it. There is always tomorrow. Hubert got seven bales yesterday in the front pasture, and he was baling in the back field this morning, but I have not counted to see how many there are.
Tomorrow I need to go into town and get some supplies, and as usual Sunday will be the day to get work done around here. Clean the chicken coop, feed cattle and do a lot of this and that. BUT, Monday will be another reprieve, so I am looking forward to that all ready!
August is over already, we got a whopping 1.25" of rain for the whole month, but that is a lot more than some folks around us. The prognosticators are saying we should have a wetter fall than usual, but just about anything these days is more than usual. There is NO mention of any good rains that will help fill the lakes and aquifers.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, LIBBY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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