Monday, September 8, 2014

2014 - Day 251/114 - Monday...

I am home from the annual TAR Conference, this year the conference was held in San Antonio, so I was able to drive down there and back.  These conferences seem to be very exotic and filled with nightly restaurant visits and all kinds of fun things.  There is a little bit of that, but veterans of the TAR and NAR and any other conferences will understand that these meetings are HARD WORK!  You are there to do a job; to represent your association and to bring back information from the conference that will help your association and membership thrive and prepare for the future.  You need to gather the information about trends, opportunities, challenges, defeats and successes.  Then you need to digest the information into coherent messages to share with your colleagues.  There is a lot of networking and catching up with long time friends, and that is the really fun part, the publicized part.  But that is certainly just a tiny piece of the overall puzzle.  Yesterday afternoon, after my final forum, I got back to the hotel at about 4:30.  The day had begun at 9AM, and that was the latest start of any of the days.  Some days started at 7, and that makes for a long day.  Anyway...when I got back to my room yesterday, I took a nap, woke up, ate my boxed lunch from the trade-show, lapsed in-and-out of consciousness (napping), watched the lightning from the hotel room, watched a show about 9/11, and then fell asleep until about 6 o'clock this morning.  Wonderful!  This is a photo of the sunrise from my hotel room.  The only order of business today (for me) was the TAR Board of Directors meeting, and it began at 8:30.  It was a great series of meetings overall, and I was very happy to attend in a very small role as a representative of my association.

Good night!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, SLEEPY TIME, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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