Wednesday, September 17, 2014

2014 - Day 260/105 - Wednesday...

As an overseer (of this journal) I accept the responsibility to keep the wants and needs of my vast constituency happy and appeased.  I have been informed that you cannot go wrong with photos of babies or animals.  Or Madonna.  Or Miley Cyrus.  Justin Bieber seems to draw them in as well.  But, always one to put your wants and needs above my own (see, I said it again), the photo in this journal entry will be of Barney the cat.  I would have preferred to post a photo of rain, but there is no such thing as that here on the edge of nowhere.

Barney the cat is doing well and happily growing more comfortable in her exile to us.  Again, she (a cat of I
ndiscernible sex, I am just going with she) showed up one day and has been around ever since.  I still think she is two-timing us with the neighbors, but she is here a lot.  And she seems to be co-habituating with the chickens with no problem.  It is kind of a peaceable kingdom in that respect.  Things change with the sightings of hawk or other larger, more cunning prey.  The chickens are pretty "farm savvy" in that regard, and I expect this cat is pretty savvy as well.

Very happy that we are on the down-hill-slide of this week.  Looking forward to the weekend as well.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CATS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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