Saturday, September 13, 2014

2014 - Day 256/109 - Saturday...

It started to rain last night after I finished the journal entry and I kept going outside to make sure it was still raining.  It was encouraging, but I was disappointed this morning when I went out to check the gauge; only 0.13" in there.  BUT, it was better than nothing.  I got up this morning and did the usual stuff, and then got ready to go out and show property (property, not houses).  It was really a good day because these particular clients are more friends than clients.  It eventually began to rain and we were on windy roads around Leander to Lago Vista.  We came up on this cactus at one of the lots, and decided to document it.  When I am out in isolated areas, it makes me wonder when the last person ever saw/touched/picked up that rock, if ever.  I think there are inanimate objects everywhere that have never been seen our touched.  A lot of things are just passed over, taken for granted.  Things of beauty are wherever you find them, you just have to look!

B&V, thanks for letting me share this drizzly, rainy, fun day with you!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HEARTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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