Sorry, the Complaint Department is closed. We will be open during normal business hours tomorrow, 8AM until 5PM Singapore time. For your convenience, we do take complaints electronically; simply log-on to If you choose to complain to us electronically, it may take a week or two to reach us, since I just bought the domain name a few minutes ago. IT'S MINE! You can also direct a complaint to us via e-mail. Please address your complaint to
I' Your complaint will receive the attention it deserves whenever we get around to it. Valid complaints are discarded first, and lesser complaints will be discarded at some time in the future. Let me now provide you with a list of complaints I dealt with today.

It took me 4 hours and 15 minutes to get to my office this morning. By the time I was informed that an 18-Wheeler ran over a car, flipped on to its' side and caught fire, I was at the point of no return. I was trapped. Nothing for me to do, but call everyone in the world that might just possibly be awake and/or not at work. I took a series of 'selfies', read the Austin Business Journal TWICE, played a series of games of solitaire and took a brief nap. I have not seen any reports or injury or death because of this accident, I hope there was none, but they were still clearing, cleaning and repairing the Interstate when I returned home this evening.
Then I got to my office, tried to log-on to a banking site, and was informed that it was time for me to re-set my password. I did not want to re-set my password, but I was forced to.
Then I went to swap lock boxes at the Board. This is not a complaint, but merely an observation. By the time I arrived, I was in a stupor and resigned to the fact that this would be like standing in line at the Post Office around the Holidays. The observation part is, the more cheerful I became, the more unhappy the people around me became. Honestly, in the grand scheme of things, the 2 hours and forty minutes I spent swapping lock boxes was inconsequential. We do that about every eight years, and it is never something we look forward to. BUT, we are all better for it. No complaining here.
I only got six eggs today.
It is rainy, cold, foggy, cloudy, grey and unpleasant.
Have a great evening.
Deed, Actions, Changes, COMPLAINTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!