If it could be spring, I sprung it. If it could be hauled, I hauled it. If it could be sprained, I sprained it. Nothing broke however, to the best of my knowledge.

I started the day off with breakfast (it is Saturday after all), and then it was off to the pasture to check on the cattle, take them a bale of hay (before the rains begin for the next several days), took a ride back to check on the decomposition of Mr. Speckles. Interesting, the predators started at the back end and are working their way towards the front. If you want documentation of this, send me a message and I will be happy to forward you photographic proof. Then it was off to the feed store for chicken feed, and bird seed and pine shavings for the nesting boxes. A quick stop at the post office to post some mail, and then to the gas station to get two five-gallon tanks of diesel for the tractor and the Polaris. Then it was home for a quick nap, then off to Berry Springs Park for a truck load of fire wood. Then home and changed into a lovely spandex ensemble and back to Berry Springs to meet my friend Steve and we did about a 10 to 12 mile ride. That was my first ride in almost two years, and I have committed to a 50 mile ride in about seven weeks. We have both signed up for the Rosedale ride as well, which is the end of March. When I got home, I unloaded (most of) the firewood in the truck. Then I reset the five thousand or so clocks in the house so I can "spring forward". Now I am done.
Sorry Jill, I have failed at only leaving one space after the period, but I see no creeks or rivers. Maybe the eyesight is going first.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FIRST RIDE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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