Friday, March 13, 2015

2015 - Day 72/293 - Friday...

South By SouthWest (hereinafter referred to as SXSW) is kind of like a former boyfriend or girlfriend.  With the passing of time (supposebly (that's for Jonathan)), lots of the crap parts fade and all is left is the good memories.  Then you see the aforementioned boy/girlfriend, and you remember why you left in the first place.  The crazy crap (and in the case of SXSW, the crazy crap is really crazy crap) comes flooding back to reality, and all you con do is moan in low tones so as not to draw attention to yourself and hope for a quick and painless end.  It is kind of like the worst family Thanksgiving you ever had, a festival forever stuck in the dark recesses of your psyche, that bubbles up to the surface occasionally, triggered by a commercial on the television, the thought of which makes you excuse yourself and retire to your bed with the covers pulled up over your head until once again the sun shines.  That is kind of like SXSW.  The town is full of crazies, but the sun is shining and otherwise it is a lovely day in central Texas.  Only two more weeks to go!

Deeds, Actions, Changes, CRAZIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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