It was another beautiful day here in central Texas, as evidenced by the veritable plethora of sunshine and beautiful blue skies. The day did begin with a lot of fog, but once that was gone, it was all sunshine and spider worts! This little beauty was sticking its' head up down by the road, and it was just screaming for me to document it photographically (or maybe it was screaming because a chicken was scratching around it), but either way, it is now officially the photo of the day for this journal.
The day was made even better because I got to guide folks through a couple classes at the Board this afternoon. I really enjoy these classes, and I am happy to do it. In addition, I get to learn stuff as I go, and that is always a good thing.
Pauline brought us some cookies, too, so I will taking full advantage of those for the next several days!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, COOKIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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