So, I did it. I actually did it. I got up this morning, fixed me and Jody a pile of eggs (down to seven versus nine when the Boy Dog shared eggs with us), did a few chores (change ac filters, replaced batteries in the under counter lamps in the kitchen) and went for a bike ride. I rode from the house to the Walburg Restaurant and back, close to 15.5 miles (but who's counting). I got back to the house and immediately took to the blue chair. Not too shabby for an old guy, but I need to keep at it for my Rosedale ride at the end of this month, and then the 50 mile ride at the end of April with the Hill Country Ride for AIDS. If you guys want to ride with me, let me know, and get it in the saddle!
After a little nap, Jody and I headed into town (close but no cigar). I needed a new bike bib, since the vermin had used my last one for nesting materials. A bib and a battery for my bike computer. Tomorrow I think I will do a shorter ride (no sense killing myself) and then there will be plenty of work to get done around the house.
I put air in the tires of the riding mower, but cannot get it started. I put the charger back on the battery. I tried the walk-behind mower, and I could not get that one started either. Ratso! But, tomorrow is another day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW BIB, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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