Okay, I will be heading out of town tomorrow for most of the week, and this is a first for me. Even though I am OCD (CDO for those in the know), I usually get in the A boarding group, but usually in the 20's or 30's. I was REALLY surprised when this came up this afternoon, I blame it on all the Mothers being asleep on the couch and all the Fathers washing the dishes. Mother's Day should fall the before every trip I take, just saying'.
I do admit that my 'To Done' list was rather modest today, but I still managed to get everything crossed off it. Replace some batteries, move some rocks, transplant some four o'clocks, and a few more this-and-thats. No matter, I will take it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FIRST ON, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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