Although I have plenty of them (and more than a few that were documented for posterity just today) I am going to make a concerted effort NOT to post any photos that have to do with rain, rain drops, rain gauges, rainbows, rain birds, rain coats, rain checks, rain forests, rainbow trouts, rain dances, rain makers, rain outs, rain proofing, rain spouts, rain squalls, rain storms, rain trees, rain washes, rain water, rain wear or rainy days. I am not committing to not WRITING about any and/or all of those things, I am just not going to post any photos documenting any of those things mentioned above for at least the next several weeks. I expect I will gave sometime after July 1st, at which time we will all once again be complaining about the lack of one or more of those things listed above. But for today, I hope you enjoy this picture of a Histerical Committee marker that we have on the front barn.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN STUFF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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