Let me be clear; it is not ALWAYS the business of the various associations that are accomplished with our elected leadership during the DC Hill Visits that are most important. Very often it is the connecting that is done outside the business day that is more important. The camaraderie that is achieved in private interaction with our colleagues is sometimes the most important achievements that are accomplished during our professional visits, whether it is to our nations capitol, our state capitol, or to the city halls across our state, to make sure our interests are expressed with logical and coherent rationale. Case in point: Today I was privileged to meet Mrs. South-Central Kentucky outside the hearing room where Chris Polychron, President of the National Association of REALTORS® was testifying before a House Subcommittee on issues that affect REALTORS® and property owners across our country. Mrs. South-Central Kentucky (her first name is Amanda) was very kind to me and let me wear her tiara and pose for a photo. True advocacy at work!
Today was a busy day, tomorrow will not be too busy, and I will be returning home to Jody and Texas on Saturday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TIARAS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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