Everything is wet, and almost everyone is happy about that. Folks all around me are complaining about the rain for one reason or another. Just like when we were all wishing for rain, now folks are wishing for sunshine and lower humidity. You all need to know that you need to be careful about what you wish for, because you are almost certain to achieve it, and then you will be sorry. This is a picture of a frog (probably not THE frog) in the water meter box at the front of the property. Occasionally there will be a frog in the box, and even though I know they can be in there, it is still a bit of a surprise. Not as much of a surprise as a snake, but still a surprise. I am really not certain how they get in there or how they get out, but they do. That is one of the reasons that I am not sure if it is THE frog or not.
You will all be glad to know that I went back to the back of the property earlier this evening and managed to wrench Mr. Speckles skull loose from the other parts of his decomposing body. Not too much left of him, but what there is is somewhat aromatic. I put his skull (I got his lower jaw loose a couple weeks ago) in the back of the Polaris, and now his skull is behind one of the barns. As soon as I can find a good fire ant hill, I will place the skull on it and wait for the fire ants to finish off the tissue parts, and then I will hang the skull somewhere. He was a good bull. If you want to see
photo, jut let me know!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MR. SPECKLES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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