Thursday, November 12, 2015

2015 - Day 316/49 - Thursday...

Is it still Thursday? It seems like it should be Friday or Saturday already. I took off from Austin this morning and headed for San Diego, arrived at about Noon San Diego time, and did not get into my room until after 4 pm San Diego time. I did have lunch, but hanging in the lobby was not that exciting. I missed a couple meetings that I wanted to attend, but tomorrow is another day. There is a dinner (Installation of our new NAR Chairman) this evening, and my day starts really early in the morning, although it is not really that early Austin time. I did kind of luck out in the room/view department after all was said and done. Not too shabby. I always enjoy visiting San Diego, and I even got in a few minutes of sock shopping after lunch with my friend Candy.

The next several days are going to be busy, and I am looking forward to seeing lots of friends and colleagues from across the country.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, NAR ANNUAL, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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