Friday, November 13, 2015

2015 - Day 317/48 - Friday...

If you pray, please pray for Paris. If you pray, please pray for all of us. Whatever it is you do to communicate to the deity of your choice, please do it. if you are more of an affirmation sort, please affirm for Paris and all of us.

Aside from all the craziness in the world that touches our lives, I was a safe and lucky person today, attending another round of meetings and forums at the annual NAR conference. As I write this, I am watching the television news, so it is somewhat difficult for me to focus on fun and normalcy, but I am going forward because we all need to keep going and go about our lives in spite of the crazies. In that regard, after my most recent round of forum attendance, I did manage to walk through MOST of the trade show, and did not stand in line to get my photo taken with the Property Brothers, but I did manage to take a photo of them as a bystander. We are pretty much addicted to HGTV, so it was fun to see them just a few feet away. There was no lack of attention being paid to them, either.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HGTV, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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