Wednesday, June 21, 2017

2017 - Day 172/193 - Wednesday...

Well, today has been a day of frustrations and rewards. Frustrations with the traffic challenges (I spent at least 4 hours trolling the Interstate in both directions because of wrecks of one sort or another. I headed in to the office early today so I could have some quiet time, but it took over two hours to get in, so that plan was foiled. Then a couple appointments that w=I was late for because of congestion (of the traffic kind, not the coughing up lungs kind). I was late for a 9:30 by about 20 minutes, and late for a 4:30 by about 45 minutes. Absolutely stark raving crazy. So I had every intention of showing you photographic documentation of the traffic problems, but once I got home, I was distracted by these clouds (thank you to Tropical Storm Cindy), and everything was better. So, instead of griping and complaining, let me put all that on hold, and please enjoy the clouds. Deeds, Actions, Changes, CLOUDS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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