If there was any doubt that things on the edge of nowhere were all back to normal, I give you this photographic documentation of a wreck on Bee Cave Road. Bee Cave. CAVE. There is only one cave. It is not Bee Caves Road. It is not Bee Caves, Texas. It is Bee CAVE. Singular. But I digress. The wreck was on BEE CAVE ROAD shortly after noon this afternoon. It looked like two cars, one (not the one on the wrecker) was a Cadillac Sedan that was no longer outfitted with a roof OR a drivers side, but the emergency flashers were still working. That had to hurt. Traffic going east was not terribly burdened, but those west bound were in a world of hurt. There were no ambulances and folks were milling about, so I hope there were no serious injuries.
I took Mike to the airport early this morning, and he called to let us know he arrived safely. There were storms in Florida, and heavy rain. And, of course, I am watering. In about ten minutes, I am going to turn off the three sprinklers that are going and call it a night.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ONE CAVE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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