Y'know what? The rain brings out the best and the worst in me sometimes. I generally do not complain about rain, unless of course it rains for days on end, then I tend to get a little bit whiney and crabby. I was not offended by the little bit of rain that was received in Austin this afternoon, although it did take me over two hours to get home. And guess what? It rained on me all the way home until about 4 miles from the edge of nowhere, and there was not a drop of rain here. NONE. Now, that could tend to make me a little bit crabby, but it didn't. What did make me crabby was the average of 12.5 miles an hour my trip home entailed. I really think that is too slow for a major Interstate Highway. You have to give it to the people that own this car though, they are most likely tired of people tail-gating them, and they have announced to the world that they would like everyone else to JUST GO AROUND. I applaud their acceptance of the fact that that particular car is incapable of going any faster, so please, JUST GO AROUND.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GO AROUND, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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