Upon further thought, I have determined that there are (occasionally) positive outcomes to inconveniences. Although we may not realize it at the time, good things can be a result of unfortunate circumstances. Take the fantasy of my flight on Wednesday from Austin to Nashville. Loyal and dedicated readers of this journal are familiar with the folly of the non-closing airplane door. What seemed to some (I remained remarkably calm) like a major catastrophe, turned out to be a good thing for me. EXAMPLE: Once we were off the plane, I had time to get my shoes shined. Having my shoes shined in as close to a mani-pedi that I will ever get, and I cannot imagine anything being more rewarding than a shoe shine. EXAMPLE: Because of the delayed flight, I was the recipient of a voucher from Southwest for $100. That was nice of them. I was not really inconvenienced at all, but it was a nice gesture on their part. $500 would have been nicer, but there is no reason to be greedy at this point.
Expect the unexpected.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SHOE SHINES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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