...and now, for something completely different! I meant to post my journal entry last night after the news, but I fell asleep instead, and did not even think of it until I was reviewing my photos in my phone. I had (and will post this evening) a great photo for the entry, and I will thrill and amaze you with it in this combined-two-fed journal entry. Fasten your seat belts, this entry is going to be TWICE as dull and boring as a regular entry!

Yesterday: If you have been following along on Facebook, you will know that, as I was doing some planting yesterday, I was accosted from my deep mind thinking by a snake, coiled up on the light switch to the pool light. Scared the piss out of me. Think about it, what would you do if you were eyeball to eyeball with a snake baring its' tiny little fangs at you? Yep, you got it, scream like a girl and then turn your phone on so you can take a couple photos. Okay, about a dozen photos. Now, in my opinion, if I were the snake, I would be making a hasty retreat to somewhere else, but this snake decided to just hang out and pose. Then, I went to get my gloves (they weren't far away) to get the snake and relocate it. Interestingly, I looked up into the corner of the patio cover, and there was another snake, taking a snooze in one of the swallows nests. We have swallows every year.
So...Melody and all the others that came to the defense of the snake...this is not my first rodeo. I don't kill the snakes (unless they have one of my next eggs). They are simply relocated. No snakes were harmed for the purpose of this blog post.

Today: Between yesterday and today, I got ALMOST all my chores done Planted some stuff (that is one of the things I did not get completed), watered trees, watered all the beds, cleaned the chicken coop, took hay to the cattle, replaced batteries in two of the exterior cameras, cut ALL the grass, went shopping, and a few other things. All in all, it was a darned successful weekend. At the end of the day, after dinner, I even jumped into the pool. Christened it for the first time this year. It got most of the crud and grit off me, and it was refreshingly cool as well. Not cold, cool and it only took me a couple minutes to catch my breath. Afterwards, I sat out in the dog board with Jody and the girls.
Again, it was a really good weekend, and there was a lot of good stuff happening and lots of good stuff done. There is always something to get done when you live on the edge of nowhere.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TOW-FERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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