Oh my. Another day in the nation's capital. 'al' is the city, 'ol' is the building. Or so I have been told. Anyway, I did get to sleep a little bit later this morning, and that was a really good thing. I had an appointment to attend a 'White House Briefing', which I thought would be really pretty cool. It was nothing like I expected. Getting through the security was actually the most fun part of the adventure. And, the folks I was with (Kitty fer shure) were a lot of fun. On the downside, I was raining crazily and I did not have an umbrella and the Secret Service were a little bit crabby about letting anyone 'stand' under the overhangs of the place. We did make it through the several levels of security (no selfies allowed) and then at the end we were escorted out where we saw all the limos parked and at the ready.
Overall, pretty interesting. The 'grounds' are referred to as 'the campus'. I think it is 18 acres. All the necessities of life are contained within the boundaries of 'the campus', and generally speaking, if you are hired, you are on call 24/7/365, so you may just as well hang out.
And then, there were a couple meetings, a forum here and there, and a couple receptions and a dinner.
As it should be.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BRIEFING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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