We all got started early, and I put out the new cattle trough, since we are now a herd of nine, with the possibility of three more before the end of the year. Cheaper by the dozen? I doubt it! Mimmie and her calf were kind of unsure about why the other cattle were heading so quickly toward where I was this morning, but she soon figured it out, and I doubt it will take her and her calf too long to bee one of the Pavlov's Cows...trained to run to the trough at the sound of the mule heading towards the feed shed, slobbering all the way.
We also got all the bulbs planted, and tried to dig up the root beer plants by the tuber...we believe we are in for a fight from those things, and I am sure that fight will go on through the next few years. They are really entrenched on some of those beds. If nothing else, we will chop them off at ground level every time they make an appearance, and maybe that will discourage them. We also planted the zinnia seeds and the morning glory seeds. I hope they will all come up, and do well. Jody planted spinach and beet seeds a few days ago, and they are all coming up nicely. And the broccoli is actually developing heads so we will be harvesting that soon. No produce is yet visible from the cauliflower or the Brussels sprouts. We are just having fun doing this, and if we actually get a few side orders for dinners, it will be great. We shall see...
I think it is nap time, or maybe jumping in the pool time, who knows, and it is really not important which one it is, both will be pleasant, and not cause any undue exertion on my part. I am plum tuckered. Go have some fun for yourself, and tell yourself (convincingly and sincerely) that you deserve it, because you do.
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