I did not sleep worth a freakin' flip last night. I took some of the cough medicine that the Doctor prescribed for me (Cherry Tussin (sp?) with Codeine) and thought that would put me out, but no way Jose, all I did was cough, cough, cough! I even went the tried and true fail safe route, and got up and went to my big fat La-Z-Boy chair in the den, and I still could not sleep for the coughing spasms. Overall, I am really feeling much better, but I know also that I tried to get too much done today, and I could really feel it by the time I left the office. I am really looking forward to getting a good nights sleep tonight, and I have everything planned out...so if there is no post tomorrow, well...
And today was a busy day at work...two closings (yippee-skippee) and two meetings, and getting things caught up from being out for two days. All is going well, and I am a really lucky person to have good and competent people covering for me when I am out. When I got home, Jody and I went out to the pasture and fed the cattle, and they were very happy to see us. They love the extra feed they get twice a week, and I am happy to give it to them. I think you need to treat your pets really well, and they are just like big Chihuahuas to me!
Tomorrow will be another early day, I have another round of the Leadership Training at the Board, and that will be all day. I always want to arrive for those at least a half-hour early, AND I need to go to the bank on the way (actually the bank is past the Board, so I have to go to the bank and then back-track to the Board). So, I do not want to have any concerns with being late for these classes, so I do as I always do...over-compensate!
I got an e-mail this afternoon from the Director (David) of the Hill Country Ride for AIDS which I am participating in towards the end of April. They are going to have a training ride out in this area on Saturday morning, and I am threatening to participate in that. It will be a lot of fun, I love riding my bike! I will let you know if I survive that as well!
Okay, I think you should go and have yourself a hot fudge sundae, and I also think you should invite a close (or not so close) friend to join you. Hot fudge sundaes all around. I think that is a great idea! Have fun!
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