It was a good day in the office, and I got everything done for my classes on Monday and Tuesday. I will spend some time over the weekend reviewing, but otherwise, all is well. I am really fortunate to have a good business partner and a really great assistant who can do just almost any and everything we ask him. We have also just recently hired an administrative assistant, and she is doing a really good job too. Hopefully we will be all set for the busy season, and I think all of our businesses are picking up. My sales transactions are really doing well, and I think all the agents in our office have business, so that is really good. I am a lucky guy.
We are having turkey for dinner tonight, and I will most likely call it an early night. I am seemingly trying to fight off a sore throat, and I do not want to be sick for my classes on Monday and Tuesday. Because of that, I will most likely use the lavaliere microphone, and I really do not like to use it. But we are expecting about sixty attendees, so that is the route I will take.
Tomorrow is supposed to begin a warm-up temperature wise, and I will need to feed the cattle. I will also have to go into Taylor to get some feed, since I have enough for tomorrow and that is it. Hopefully with these rains, the cattle will have more green to eat and they will be less dependent on feed and hay.
How are you doing on the good deed part of your daily routine? I am not sure if I did any good deeds today or not, but I hope I did and just can't remember. So, go do something nice for someone, and see what happens in return!
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