Holy Tsunami, Batman! I am much happier about the rainfall totals now that I just checked the rain gauge. As of yesterday, we had received only a pitiful 1/2 inch of rain. So much for all the great rainfall totals they weather folk had been predicting. BUT, oh ye of little faith (that would be me) when I went out for the paper, we have received a total so far of 1 and 3/4 inches of rain. I must have been right about hearing it raining through the night last night. Yippee. I can only assume the cattle (especially the little one) are making it with no issues. It will be way too muddy to go back to the pasture in the rain. As a side note, do you know that mud does not occur naturally in nature? Mud is a result of mans interference with the environment. Mud does not just happen.
It took me about 2 hours, maybe a bit less, to get to the office this morning...and it was not raining. I actually was stopped on the Interstate for almost 15 minutes...just sitting there, and I did not even have any donuts to entertain myself with. I did have my crocheting with me, but I did not even think of that til it was too late. I got to the office, and I have to admit I was just a teensy bit stressed, and I had to start working immediately, and did not stop for the rest of the day. Things should ease up next week some, especially from Wednesday through Friday of next week. Everything will be okay.
My exciting mail today was a check from AT&T for $0.13. Yep, that's right, thirteen cents. Is that crazy or what? Big Whoop. I am going to have it framed and hope it screws their accounting up for a long time. Unfortunately, I know it won't, but it is nice to have a dream.
Jody and I went to the Catfish Cabin in Georgetown for dinner. Very good, just as good (if not better) than the one we used to go to on 183 in Austin. The Catfish Cabin on 290 in South Austin sucked, but that is just my opinion. The guy in Georgetown tonight even said that he had heard the same thing about the place on 290. See there, word gets around.
More rain for tonight if we are lucky. Be a good sport and do a rain dance for us all here in central Texas, we really need the rain. That will count as your good deed for the day!
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