I believe that today was the first day of spring break. Either that, or 75% of the metropolitan population forgot to set their clock up an hour the other day, and they were all late for work. When it is spring break in Austin, traffic on the roads is diminished considerably, and driving to an from the office is no longer a chore, it is just driving. I am not sure even if I came to a complete stop in the Interstate. I do know for certain that traffic slowed in a couple spots, but I am not sure that I actually stopped completely. I am positive that I did not stop or even slow down noticeably on the drive home, and that is a real pleasure. We will all kind of be lulled into this false sense of security and then it will be Monday again, and all the issues will be back, and I will be certain that I have indeed some to a complete stop in the Interstate. Oh well, it is what I have chosen, and this should not in any way be considered a complaint, merely an observation.
I made it to the office early today, I needed to pick up some last minute items for the classes I was teaching today. All went well in the class, and I was happy about that. I think there were about 80 learners in the class, and as long as I have to be in the class as well, I might as well make it fun and interesting for myself as well as them. As long as everyone learns something about the topics I feel good about it.
It was a nice day in Austin, temperatures in the low to middle 80's and I think all the weather forecasters are swearing that we will have rain this week. They are all certain of that, and that is what makes me nervous...anywhere from 30% to 70% chances from now until Friday, with the bast chances to be either on Wednesday or Thursday. Also, the temperatures are going to be reduced significantly, with highs in the 50's and lows in the upper 30's. Well, this is still winter in Texas, and it is just March, and no one is even making any suggestions of freezes, so we will take what we can get. They are talking about good soaking rains, up to a couple inches, so that will be great if it actually happens. We shall see...

I don't know if anyone actually reads this drivel on a regular basis, but I know one thing for certain, and that is I am driven by food...I used to be driven by other fantasies, but now it seems that my life is a contemplation of one meal to the next. Yesterday, Jody made enchiladas, today we had giant sausages with potatoes au gratin and asparagus from the garden. It is really a good thing that we both like asparagus, but we do, so there. I am already planning my breakfast, and not so much lunch, but I do have a hankerin' for some catfish later in the week. We shall see...
Okay, I leave you now with this thought...make a phone call this evening and ask someone you have not seen in a long time to lunch tomorrow...your treat. It will make the other person wonder what you are up to, and when they find out you are up to nothing, it will be a fun time. Catch up with an old friend, and be happy. It will make both of you feel better.
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