To the victors go the spoils. I should be ashamed of myself, but I'm not. I had three classes today, two of them were TOTALLY EXCELLENT, and one was not-so-good, but that is not a bad average. Between classes, I trolled the trade show, and this time I knew where the stuff I wanted was lurking, and I systematically worked those spots. I have a partner in crime (my friend and colleague Socar) who was working the room with me. We both did pretty well. It is amazing, if you want a REALTOR to show up at a function, just provide free food. Today, I felt like a shark circling a meal, and that I had not fed in weeks...MONTHS! It kind of became a game, but I have some useful stuff that I can use in my business, and some other stuff that I can pass out when I get back to my office.I also had my photo taken with Anne Marie Howard, the very gracious and kind lady that is the national spokesperson for the National Association of REALTORS. You have to hand it to her...she was accosted by REALTORS for three hours during this convention, and she always had a smile on her face, she is definitely a class act!

I also saw William Shatner (did not get within 35 feet of him) and he seemed to be very gracious and sincere. Folks were standing in line to get their photo taken with him, and to get a copy of his book. By that time I was too tired to stand in line, so I didn't. Oh, yesterday I did see the guy that was the star of 'Slumdog Millionaire' in the Hotel here is San Diego. Perhaps a little bit taller than I would have expected, but otherwise, her looks pretty much just like he did in the movie, and I first became aware of him from the BBC television series 'Skin' (I think that is the name of it). Anyway, that is pretty much it for my stargazing in San Diego.
As I said, two of my classes were excellent, and they were both on memory enhancement. 'Discovering your Memory Power' and 'Winning the Name Game'. I am looking forward to putting some of this information to good use in my real estate practice and my everyday life. I found I actually have an excellent memory, I am just a poor listener!
It is just about five o'clock in San Diego, and I am again totally exhausted. I am thinking about an early dinner, packing, watching some TV and then calling it a night. I will be leaving the Hotel at 7AM, and getting on a 9 o'clock flight back home tomorrow, and I will be happy to be home...I am missing Jody, even though we have talked on the telephone several times since I have been here. I am just an old 'I wanna be at home' person, which is wonderful when you have a home as wonderful as ours! Have I mentioned to you lately that I am the luckiest person in the world? Well, I am!
Okay, that is enough for this post. Remember, Kindness, Change, Deeds, Whirled Peas and FUN!
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