TWELVE DEAD, THIRTY-ONE INJURED, ONE SHOOTER KILLED, TWO ACCOMPLICES APPREHENDED. What in the bloody hell is going on? We live in crazy times, but I think one madman is just trying to best the last one. People are totally crazy, and they just try to 'one-up' the last horrific thing they saw on the new reports. Planning has to be taken into consideration, and heaven forfend we should try to regulate who can have access to a gun. I guess that does not matter too much if the crazy persons are members of our armed forces! Whatever... Anyway I have no good grasp on what is exactly going on up the road from us in Fort Hood, but it does not sound

good. Fort Hood is about 35 miles or so from our house, and there was lots of activity on the Interstate and in the air. I saw one black helicopter following the expressway, one black helicopter (at about 100 feet) following down a Farm Road not far from the house, and three vehicles (one black with lots of flashing lights, two white vehicles, one that looked like a Winnebago, and then a white van of some sort) lights all flashing and going really fast towards Killeen (the town that Fort Hood calls home). These are strange times in which we live.
Other than that, I had a pretty nice day today. PM (Property Management, Mike!) meeting this morning, Meals-on-Wheels mid morning, and the property inspection this afternoon. In between those times, I just did ordinary office stuff, getting things finished before I teach classes next week and head for San Diego. Once I get back from San Diego, that should be the end of my roaming at least for this year. I will be going on a cruise for seven days the first week of February. It is a regular Carnival Cruise thing, but they will be offering some Mandatory Continuing Education classes on the cruise, so the whole thing will be a (monkey) business trip. Oh the pain of continuing education!
Jody and I will be heading out somewhere for dinner tonight, not sure where just yet. And I am sure there will be options, but there has not been any decision yet.
Tomorrow is Friday...YIPPEE...Whatever...I am going to get stuff ready for my classes next eek, and I will be taking a class on Saturday, something that will maybe beneficial for my lasses next week. Is that confusing you? It kinda is me!
Kindness, Compassion, Whirled Peas, Fun!
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