Hmmm...November First already...where is the time going? Even though I know what time it is, I really do not know what time it is. This setting the clocks backward and forward is an interesting phenomenon. When it was first introduced, the farmers complained that an extra hour of sunlight would burn up the crops...I think we should 'spring forward' a half-hour, and forget about it. Why all this back and forth stuff? The older I get, the less apt I am to just not try and fix it. Anyway... There was a beautiful sunrise this morning, although it was an hour later (or earlier) than usual. And the paper was late (or early, I am not sure) again. BUT, the sun did indeed come up, and it was beautiful. The day has turned out to be a very nice one, although it is a bit on the warm side right now. I was watching a movie (Netflix) and marveling at all the sunshine. Quite a pretty day. And the ice plants that we planted yesterday are looking as if they are not even aware of their new environment, they all seem to be doing very nicely.

I went out and moved the cattle into the other pasture this morning...they were very happy to be moved, and they just got over there and put their heads down and started eating the fresh green grass...I have not even seen them eat any of the hay bale that is in that pasture yet, they are going to town with the grass. I will leave them in that pasture for a month, and then move them to the third pasture (I hope). We still need some fence work in that third pasture, and hopefully we can get it all done in a month. The newest little calf is really fun to watch...she is just full of energy, and she just runs back and forth from one place to another...full of pep. The other cattle are busy finding the best grass, and they are just into eating, but the littlest one is still full of newness...everything is something new to be explored in her mind. She is eating some grass though, so she will begin weaning herself from her mama pretty soon.

When we first went into the pasture this morning, we saw a couple ducks in the tank, that is the first time we have seen any fowl in any of our tanks, so that was a nice thing. We had Mexican Whistling Tree Ducks at the other farm, and we really miss them...we had a lot of different wildlife at the other farm that we miss. I do not think there is as much wildlife here because all the land (most of the land) around here was cleared years ago for agriculture. We do not even have squirrels. We were pretty excited back in the spring because we saw two squirrels playing in some of the trees in the front of the property, but we only saw them for that one day, and we have not seen them again. We see (but mostly hear) coyotes every now and then, but other than that all we really see is cattle and horses.
Jody and I went into Costco this afternoon, and I got supplies for the class break we are sponsoring tomorrow morning. Jody got a few supplies for the house, and then we came back into Georgetown, did a little bit more shopping, stopped at the Dairy Queen for a spoiler, and then came home. So far it has been a lovely day, and we are glad for that. No big issues, PERFECT!
Be nice, play well with others, do something nice for someone, Have Fun!
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