You should know that I spent the second half of the morning cussing. When I was not cussing with the regular cuss words that you may (or hopefully may not) be familiar with, I was making up entirely new cuss words. I developed an entirely new language of cuss words this morning, and I have to tell you that I am quite proud of myself! I was out moving cattle troughs from one pasture to another, since I thought that I would feed the cattle this morning (one of my goals for today that I reported to you yesterday). It was a really foggy morning (little did I know it was going to stay that way all day)and it was dribbly and the land here is still really wet. We actually have a little spring going down the middle of the front of the house to the middle tank. Babbling just like a brook! Anyway...the cattle are ALWAYS curious about what it is I (we sometimes) am (are) doing, and they were all congregated by the gate. Well, Mr. Speckles (the bull) and I were not seeing horn-to-horn about how the best way to get the troughs over into that pasture, but I will admit that I persevered and he went off and stuck his head into a molasses bucket, and he left me alone so I could secure the troughs.
I fed the cattle and then took a bale of hay into their pasture...feeding them first tends to occupy their time, so they leave me along while I take a bale of hay out for them and take the nylon windings off the hay. They had not eaten all the hay from last week (that must mean they were happy with the fresh grass and not starving) so I brought one of the hay rings from the other pasture into the the pasture they are in now, so they won't just waste the hay that was left from last week. Cattle are like us in that regard, they will always go for something fresh and new, and they will just crap all over hay that is just laying on the ground. If it is surrounded by a hay ring, they will eat it...if not, they will sleep in it or crap in it...there you go.

SO, on the way back to the house, I took this picture of the house, kind of looks like an English cottage (or at least the back side of one) with the fog all around. This is the middle tank that the water is babbling into. The sun has not come out all day today, and it has even spritzed rain on us a couple times. We went into Georgetown after I recovered from my cussing exhibition, and we went to Dairy Queen for spoilers. Yummy! Then we went to HEB to pick up a few things and we came home. When we got home, Jody went down for a nap, and I fast-forwarded through two movies (while I was crocheting) and when Jody got up, we watched part of Slumdog Millionaire, and turned it off out of disinterest. There was a movie on one of the broadcast channels (The Night Listener, based on a book by Armisted Maupin) and Jody watched that for a bit.

In between times, Jody and I went on a little tour of the property in the Mule. We went to the back to check out the cattle, into the front to see how high the water is in the old hand dug well, and into the middle to listen to the water babbling like a brook into the middle tank. We are easily amused! And, again, more and more things are beginning to bloom in our fabulous second spring. This is another color of the Irises that are blooming everywhere. And the Cannas are just a riot with blooms and color, It is just magnificent. Beautiful! I wish you could all see it, but you would need to remember to bring your boots.
It will be an early day for me tomorrow, teaching class Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Then a closing on Thursday, Meals-on-Wheels on Thursday, PM Meeting on Thursday, and then catch a plane to San Diego, where I see the high temperatures are in the low 60's and the low temperatures are in the middle 50's. Interesting.
Kindness, actions, deeds, thoughts, changes, FUN!
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