SO, I got to the Austin Radiological place this morning just before 8 o'clock for my appointment to have the MRI done on my knee. I am having more interesting pains in the knee than usual, pretty much ever since I visited the orthopedic guy about a week ago. Whatever... Anyway, they did not put me all the way in the MRI tunnel, so that was good. I do have a bit of claustrophobia, but at least my head was sticking out of the tunnel, so that was good. I should have started this process back when it was 108 degrees in the city, because these places are colder that a fart in a dead (fill in the blank, but I usually say Eskimo). That is allegedly the coldest thing in the world, but this is a family blog, and I am not sure if that is a slur against Eskimo's or not, but I am sure if it is I will hear about it. Where was I? Oh yeah, COLD. Naturally, I wait until the temperatures are in the forties to decide to do something that entails taking off most of your clothing, putting on a surgical robe that does not close in the back, and then laying down on a stainless steel (okay probably not, now that I think about it) table for an extended period of time. They finished just before I slipped into shock from the drain of body warmth into the table. Whatever... So, now I will go back to the orthopedist on Wednesday so they can tell me the results of the MRI, and maybe figure out a plan of action. We shall see...
The drive home was even crazier that yesterday. There can be no citizenry left in Austin, they are all in their cars heading north somewhere. I think there can be no one left within the city limits, and they all took separate cars to make their exodus. ANYWAY...I made the aforementioned stop in Round Rock and came on home. I stopped at the ONE gas station in Walburg and got gas, and that should about do it for the day. I am hoping that the cars will not even be started tomorrow, but I have big plans for the truck on Friday. I will need to go and get cattle feed, and miscellaneous stuff in honor of the BLACK FRIDAY sales. Never accuse me of not doing my part for the economy!
That is it for now...remember...kindness, actions, deeds, changes, and have FUN!
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