Our cooler weather and rain have brung (is that a word?) many of the flowering plants back to life. Okay, after some thought, I think the word 'brung' is not a word, and the actual word I should have used was 'brought', but I am not going to change it. Whatever... Outside the office window at the house, the cannas are a riot of color and beauty. Lots and lots of them. I went outside to take a photo, and there were also Irises blooming. Incredible. It is (again) like a second spring season, and that is perfectly okay with me. This photo is of some of the cannas around the property, and the one below is a real beauty of one of the Iris. The folks that lived here before us obviously had nothing better to do than to tend the gardens, which is NOT something we are that good at, but we are happy to reap the benefits of all their prior effort. The property is magnificent in the spring, and we are delighted with the displays this fall season.
I will be in a class all day tomorrow, and I think it will be a good one, and it should give me some useful information for other classes I teach. I always try to take classes that can give me more (or different) information for the classes I teach. It is a class offered by the City of Austin called 'Green by Design' and it is coming at a great time, since I am teaching GREEN classes for three days next week.
Okay, this is a short post, but my tirades about happiness and beauty are obviously not as long as my tirades about the things I referenced in the first paragraph of this blog.
Kindness, Change, Deeds, Fun!
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