We did have a great office meeting this morning with our staff and agents, setting goals for 2010. We talked about the company Vision and our Mission Statement. Carrie (my BP) did a great job presenting the information, and we are expecting it all to be a win-win situation for everyone. I hope so. To this I will not respond 'I don't care' because I do very much care!
The photo in this post is nothing more than a corner of my desk at home. See, I told you I did nothing too exciting today, certainly nothing exciting enough to take a picture of it. Another goal I have in the near future is to do nothing, and run out of time to get it all done, so I will have to finish doing nothing the next day. I like goal setting!
After the meeting, Tom (our PM) and I went to visit one of our managed properties, and then I did more office stuff, and then I left for home. There is a lot of work to do between now and the end of the year, and the social circuit is just starting, and that is always a crazy time. FUN but CRAZY; I don't care!
I am going to have my eyes examined tomorrow (I know you probably think I should start with my head, and work my way down to my eyes), but it has been a long time since my last exam, and it is time to do it. Then, I am scheduled to have an x-ray of my knee done. I have been having pain in my left knee for, oh, a couple years now, and I finally broke down and asked my doctor what I should do, so x-ray is the first step. I actually mentioned it to him at my last physical, but I don't think he was taking me seriously (imagine that), so I really do not blame him at all, totally my fault. So, I also am working towards being in better physical shape in 2010 as well, ergo the eye exam and x-ray.
Jody is making pork chops for dinner tonight, and we are going to split one. Tomorrow is the NARPM Austin Chapter luncheon, and I am planning on having the salad bar for lunch...we will have to see what they are offering, actually...I don't care! I think it is very interesting that Jody and I quite often can get two or more dinners from a package of food that says it is a dinner for two...I am not sure 'two what' but...I don't care! Part of our (the US population) problem is that we are all eating way too much...I don't think it is all that much about WHAT we are eating, it is just that the portion sized are so big. But, well, I don't care.
That is just about it for today, try to do a good deed, make someone feel better about themselves, make a small change that will benefit all of us, and Have Fun!
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