Okay, I was then led back to the first cold room, and eventually the doctor came in. He seems to be a very nice and capable person. I got up on the examination table, and he turned and twisted my leg seeing just how many ways he could make it hurt. AND, he came up with several! So, now the new diagnosis is multi-faceted: A bit of arthritis, a dislocated knee cap, a bone spur, significant muscle atrophy and something else that I can't really remember right now. I asked if I should get a second opinion, and he said, 'Okay, you're ugly too'! Ba-Dump-Bump...
Now, this is where the system part comes into the picture. I have ANOTHER appointment to go to Austin Radiological Associates (where I was yesterday) to have an MRI and then another appointment to go back to the Orthopedic guy after that. I am not certain that the process will ever end. I am in Medical Purgatory. HELP ME!
Believe it or not, I got an incredible amount of work done, and life is good. Previous reports to the contrary, I am a very lucky man, most likely the luckiest man on the planet. What of it?
So, shortly I will be heading home for the day. What a wonderful thought that is. Can you believe it? A week from tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Where have the 321 days before this one this year gone? Hmmm...
Kindness, deeds, actions, FUN!
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