We got the pool cover installed on the pool this morning, just in time, the pool guy came yesterday afternoon and cleaned the pool and the filter and all, so now with the cover on the pool, we can cut that expense til next year. And, since the pool is salt water, we should be pretty maintenance free for a couple months. I can use the leaf-blower and just blow the leaves off the pool cover, and that should do it. We shall see.
I also got the Amendment back from my clients this morning, and forwarded it on the other Buyer's agent, so we should be pretty much done with that deal. That will give me two closings this month, and that will be pretty sweet. Next week will be pretty quiet, but the week after that will be CRAZY! I will be teaching class on three days, have a closing on the fourth day, head to San Diego to the NAR convention on the same day as the closing, and then attend the convention for four days, and fly back home. Things never seem to be able to spread themselves out naturally...it seems like all the activities get 'clustered' if you know what I mean.
Jody and I went into Georgetown this afternoon for a spoiler, and we are going to have pizza for dinner tonight. I have been crocheting like a fool, and there will be plenty of scarves to go around this Holiday season. Jody helped me straighten out all the different yarns I have been collecting since the sales last year, and I have enough to complete several more mufflers before I need to go buy more yarn. I said before I NEED to go buy more yarn, not necessarily before I GO BUY more yarn. It all depends on what happens to be on sale. The Sunday paper will be the determining factor.
Tomorrow will be a pretty quiet day. I may move the cattle to the other pasture just to have done it. There is lots of good grass in that other pasture, so they should like that, and it will give this other pasture time to try and make a recovery. They have been in that one (okay two) pastures all during the heavy rains we have had. AND then Jody and I are planning a trip into Austin to go to Costco. I have to pick up some stuff for a class break that our company is sponsoring on Monday morning at the Board of REALTORS. Always something...
In anticipation of the time change back to Central Standard Time, I have set all the clocks in the house back an hour...now I have no idea what time it is. Whatever... Have a great Halloween...be kind, do something nice for someone, make a small change in your life that will help our planet (and all of us), and HAVE FUN!
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