Well, the dog kept us UP ALL NIGHT LONG. Projectile vomiting, the whole works. Just when you thought it was safe to go back to sleep, the whole thing would start again. It continued well after the time that I got up to get ready to go to work (4:15 or so) and he was in and out of the house like a little kid. Nothing much was going on by then, he was just annoying. And needy. And acting like a Velcro dog. We expect he ate something outside that REALLY did not agree with him. We will never know what it was, and that is just as well. Jody called the vet this afternoon, who suggested we give him two Pepto-Bismol tablets, and the has been resting comfortably ever since.

Got some good work done at the office this morning and again this afternoon, and in the middle of the day I attended a Staff Appreciation for the Austin Board of REALTORS. The luncheon was held at NXNW, not far from the Board. I did not care at all for my dessert as you can see from this photo.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DOG VOMIT, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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